The ‘ber’ months are coming. And it’s already cold outside. The weather’s sometimes a bit tricky.I find it bothersome to wear long sleeves or sweater because, even though it’s raining, the sun would still show up sometime in the afternoon or if I am inside crowded places like MRT or passenger jeepneys, a cardigan may still be too hot to wear. But once i stepped out I could feel the cold breeze around my shoulders. It’d be nice to make another bolero. Just the right size to cover the bare shoulders. Something I could easily take off once the sun shows up or before entering a crowded train.
On my newly arrived yarns there’s a very cool shade of turquoise. The shade will remind you of the coming season.
The yarn is 100% mercerized cotton. It’s a locally produced yarn from Indonesia. One ball is 100 gram. Just enough for a small-sized bolero. Hook-size to use would be 2.00 to 2.10 mm. The threads kinda thick. Thicker than the locally available monaco thread. If you wishes to buy a similar yarn, this multiply user has this on her for sale list. Or you could buy from
It’s a good thing too, that I have this soft plush yarn from Pasig.
I don’t actually know what’s the official name of this yarn (as all the yarns i bought there ) But looking at the Berocco’s yarn list, their Soft Plush Yarn comes closest to the one I have.
If these two yarns are actually of the same kind, it’d be 100% Nylon. Hook size to use can be 3.0mm to 4.0 mm. I have a medium size ball (weight is unknown).

Berroco Plushâ„¢ 100% Nylon
Funny, coz i never found any use of the soft plush yarn from Pasig. Since it’s too thick to be made into any comfy clothing. Especially here in Philippines, even if it’s cold it’s not practical to crochet anything from this yarn.
Apparently these two yarns are great for each other. The colors are almost homogeneous and the textures are complementary. The plush yarn is soft to touch while (as all mercerized cotton threads are) the ICT is a bit rough and hard.
I am gonna use the cotton yarn for the body of the bolero and the plush yarn for the borders. Just to add accent.
Incidentally these two yarns are freebie for purchasing 2 kilograms of yarns from each store. Wow.. Great deal