I received the yarns from Yarn Source Manila. She was very happy with the image she requested, and I was more than willing to do it! 😀
Hooray for today!
Hooray for mornings and things that make them good
Hooray for beaming smiles that make my day
Hooray for stops and gos
Hooray for colors and quick hellos
Hooray for surprises that walk my way
Hooray for friends I’ll make, oh hey…hey!
Hooray for treats that make me smile,
Like magic stripes that fill the sky
Hooray for days that make me say,
Oh Hooray for today!
[Theme song McDonald’s commercial]

My mom is currently inspecting each yarn

Then she decided, she likes the yarns

Louie discovered the commotion and is taking his pick

Will he choose the black one?

My mom picks up a yarn for him

Nope, he likes colorful yarns