I dream of yarns as smooth as silk

I dream of yarns as smooth as silk
That through my fingers they would slip
I’ll make a dress as awe-inspiring
That everyone would be wearing

Lacy Crochet Dress in progress

Lacy Crochet Dress in progress

I dream of hearing my name as well
That it would mean wearable crochet
And they would ask, is it lorelie
The one who made your outfit today?

crochet enthusiast

crochet enthusiast

I dream of fibers i could spin
To threads of finest plying
And paint them by my hands and then
Label them with – by imeng

Yarn love

Yarn lover

I dream of becoming world famous
Crocheting the most marvelous
A library that offers one of my books
With patterns created from my own hooks

4 thoughts on “I dream of yarns as smooth as silk

  1. Loren

    I once worn an imeng’s crocheted top until i outgrew it. care to give me another one for my birthday? 😀
    sige na buddy! yung pang winter! :)) or sige kahit yung pang spring lang.


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