I dream of yarns as smooth as silk
That through my fingers they would slip
I’ll make a dress as awe-inspiring
That everyone would be wearing
I dream of hearing my name as well
That it would mean wearable crochet
And they would ask, is it lorelie
The one who made your outfit today?

crochet enthusiast
I dream of fibers i could spin
To threads of finest plying
And paint them by my hands and then
Label them with – by imeng

Yarn lover
I dream of becoming world famous
Crocheting the most marvelous
A library that offers one of my books
With patterns created from my own hooks
I hope one day, you will BE this and more!
I once worn an imeng’s crocheted top until i outgrew it. care to give me another one for my birthday? 😀
sige na buddy! yung pang winter! :)) or sige kahit yung pang spring lang.
Hahaha! well let us see, i still have to crochet something for my mom and my sisters
and another one for me too
so let’s see