I love my mom

I love my mom.

She is not the doting kind. She would seldom praise you nor compliment your work. But she is the type that perserveres no matter how much difficult it is for her. Amidst all our financial troubles during the early years, though we had an almost incomplete family and literally negative savings, she stood up and brought us to what we are today.

She could have not, of course. She could have just let us be. And yet even with meager resources, I say that she was able to compensate everything with just pure hardwork and support. Though she may always disagree with me, I know she is just testing my will and disposition. We always do not agree on a lot of things, because of different point of views in life, but she stays beside me and I owe her a lot for that.

I could never tell in just pure words how thankful I am that she was able to bear it all and raise us like this. But I know she already knows.

I love my mom.

My mom - very patient with crocheting  a big blanket for my baby boy

My mom – very patient with crocheting a big blanket for my baby boy
[Yarns courtesy by my friends Liz, Danny and Mylein]

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