Whoa! I heard that our local yarn (online) store – YarnSourceManila, set up a contest on her facebook page.
Here is the details of the contest:
Now, let’s welcome 2013 with a photo contest! I will give a bagful of assorted yarns to the winner. just post your entry on the timeline or wall of this fanpage – facebook.com/onlineyarnstore. Remember – the theme is the NEW YEAR. Just make sure that YARN SOURCE MANILA will be placed somewhere in the photo. The winning photo will be used as a cover photo for this facebook fanpage.
Deadline of entries is January 1st, winner will be announced on January second
Happy new year everyone!
Let us all join guys!
I actually joined the contest and I want to share my entry:
I do hope I will win the contest. Hooray for Filipinos for sharing their love and passion!