I am closing a deal with the owner of Yarn Source Manila as an image provider and would be designer of her multiply page, if (I managed to learn how to do it). Here’s my peg – will work for yarn.
I really do love that I finally found the yarns I’ve been wanting to buy in Baguio but can’t ever since I crocheted this:

Psychedelic Shell using Baguio Cotton Yarns – Free Pattern Available Here!
The yellow and black yarn used here are soft cotton yarns which are actually cotton threads wound together to form a thicker strand:
It was a good opportunity that the owner launched a photo contest which I joined and she later contacted me to outsource some images she would use to promote/enhance her multiply and facebook page.
And I am quite happy drawing for her I love drawing and I love yarns
Not a bad deal for me
Some sneak peak:
Hopefully the images would be accepted

Sneak Peak: New YSM Images