Designing a pregnancy dress

Howdy. It’s been a long time since I last wrote a blog.

Right now, I got inspired to design the pregnant me, a new dress that I hope I can finish this year. The dress will be crocheted using a linen thread I recently bought from China. The thread has a silver hint on it and very soft, that is why I picked it up for my project.

Linen Yarn

Linen Yarn

I very much hope I can create this dress the way I have imagined it to be. This is the design I sketched:

Lacy Pregnancy Dress

Lacy Pregnancy Dress

The design is very lacy and feminine. I like frills and flowers and ribbons and lace.

I have already picked up the design for the lace. It’s a beautiful lace I have long admired from the works of a fellow crocheter at, if i am not mistaken. The lace is from a Duplet magazine I am studying for my other project. So goodluck to me! 😀

Open Lace Work

Open Lace Work

8 thoughts on “Designing a pregnancy dress

    1. Lorelie Dazo Post author

      Thanks mimicat. I am loving the yarns I bought from China. The linen thread is so light and soft. Plus the metallic sheen of the yarn adds charm to the fabric.

  1. Cat Yanna

    Hi Imeng! Congratulations on the new baby! And on the sales too. I’m sure you’ll have no trouble executing the design, you’re a whiz at freeform crochet!


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