Dreams do come true

You see, for the past days i have been thinking about the things that I was only dreaming about while growing up.

Well right now, two of my dreams have unfolded before my eyes:

One is getting a new house. Literally dream-like. I still find it really really surreal that in a few days we would be moving in here:

New house!

New house!

And the other is designing clothes and creating them.

I have a recent design (the color is still undecided) but the stitches for this new design would be chains and trebles and hairpin lace:

A different take on trebles, chains and hairpin lace

A different take on trebles, chains and hairpin lace

The trick on achieving your dreams is never giving up. My motto is actually Try and Try Until you Succeed. No matter how many times you fall, no matter that no one believes in you. If you believe in yourself, it will be enough. Though it does not hurt that you have atleast someone to support you to achieve them.

In my case, I have my husband, my family and my small circle of friends.

See, I have this gorgeous friend who believes that my works are amazing. And indeed they are, if she wears them 😀 hehee

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