Materials for Voo Doo Doll (ring not included)
I’ve been squeezing my head for ideas on what you could do with crochet chains. Something easy and creative. And while I’m riding the MRT on my way home my mind drifted again. As it always does when i have nothing to do. I remember my favorite project – the witch doll which i learned during my elementary days. However the witch doll is a yarn craft not necesarilly something you crochet. Probably you could crochet the witch doll’s garment, but it’s not still the thing i have in my mind. As i discarded that idea, I remember my friend’s keychain a pink voodoo doll. Then it hit me.
You could actually create the voodoo doll’s head using crochet chains. You just have to wrap it around a ball, a wooden round bead or something. So here it is, the second series to the Things to do with a crocheted chain.
Materials Needed:
- Yarn (of course) I prefer acrylic yarn, coz of their fibrous finish.
- Hook (size depends on thickness of yarn)
- A wooden round bead.
- Scissors
- Bostix Sew no more Glue
- Wires with round/loop end
- cardboard