Introducing: Lacy Cable Stitch

This is a stitch combination I recently conjured. I am not sure if anyone has produced the same pattern, if they have, please notify me so I could reference them properly.

The pattern focuses on achieving cable stitch using crochet on a lacy mesh of fabric. The fundamental skills you must know before trying this pattern is how to fpdc and bpdc. [Front Post DC and Back Post DC]. There are a lot of resources available online to learn how to do these stitches and let me point you to some:

Cable stitch is more popular in knitted garments. It has a number of variation, but we will create something similar to the close bud knitting cable stitch described in this website:

Closed Bud Cable Knitting Stitch

Closed Bud Cable Knitting Stitch

But ours would take a different twist, that we will make the cable on top of a lacy mesh fabric:

lacy cable stitch

lacy cable stitch

The cable consists of six front post dc stitches twisting and turning, with additional 3bpdc on the middle to create an illusion of depth. The base is alternating 3fpdc and 3 bpdc to form the ribbing. The mesh is alternating 5ch sc.

If you will crochet this, note that this is not a reversible mesh. Meaning the wrong and right side creates different textures. Please note the wrong side and right side of your fabric. (right click image to view the full size of the chart)



Stitch Diagram shows a sample of 39ch as foundation stitch. Your odd rows are the wrong side of the fabric and the even rows are the right side of the fabric

When on the right side, FPDC creates the ribbing and BPDC creates the depth, and vice versa when on the back side (BPDC = rib, FPDC = depth). The crossing of the ribs will create the cabled stitch.

To continue from the stitch diagram, rows 10 and above will repeat stitches from row 6

Lacy Cable Stitch

Lacy Cable Stitch

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