Nelia: Crocheted Blouse with front and back ties adorned with pearls

I was able to finish the crocheted top for my mother-in-law. Hence, I am very, very happy. To top the excitement brought by finishing a project, I get to take down a few notes on how I arrived on the design.

I remember the night when I was repeating rows and rows to be able to form the desired shape of the shoulder to armhole part of the top.

This prompted me to perhaps, write down the pattern for this blouse.

The project: Nelia – Crocheted Blouse with front and back ties adorned with pearls

Tadaan! the finished project: A very breezy crocheted blouse. Since she will be wearing this in Saudi, it is but right to make the lace wide and obvious.

Yup, you got it, my mother-in-law’s name is Nelia 😀

I first tried to make a floral pattern but the overall effect became like a curtain so i stopped doing that, and then I got this striped lace effect. I really like stripes 😀

Crocheted blouse for my mother-in-law

Crocheted blouse for my mother-in-law


Sneak preview of the pattern:

I am not able to finish the whole pattern today, because I have loads of other stuffs to do, too :) I also played with my baby today, and watched the UAAP 2012 Cheerdance Competition, [Hooray! UP WON!] but i was able to somehow draft the basic design of the lace. here it is:


Lace Pattern for the crocheted blouse

Lace Pattern for the crocheted blouse

Note that the basic lace is just sc 3ch alternating on each row and then 2sc ch on the fourth then repeat the first three rows. The second layer of lace is a single row of triple treble 2ch repeats. :) The next part of the post would be about the adjustments on the pattern to form the shape of the shoulder and collar.

Hope to see you again!

Please read Part II here

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