I have two friends who I want to give some yarns this christmas season, they are very good followers of my blog plus they are mostly used to using the cotton yarn, staple to the Philippines. I want them to try something different.
The first lot is a mixture of off-white wool knitting yarns in bulk weight. The label even says ‘extra thickness’.

Bulky Wool Japanese Yarn
I do not know how to make full use of these yarns since I mostly do wearable crochet. I think if they will include it in their wearable items, it would be useful as accent or border. But the thickness of the yarns turns me off, sometimes I wonder why I even bought this lot. I was just excited to acquire yarns. Now, it’s time for them to be used by people who might be able to appreciate them more. The color is nice, that I can tell. I used some of the lot to make flowers for accents but that did not really used all of them. I know I had more of these than in the pictures but some of those are not in a good ball shape anymore, they might need some rewinding.
The second batch only has one skein each kind (though I am not sure as of this moment, I know I had two balls each but maybe I have used them for something else and wasn’t able to properly keep the leftovers)

merino wool blend acrylic japanese yarns
The violet yarn has a lovely shade. It would be nice for a purse or any small pouch. I could say the same thing for the navy blue one. Though I am unsure if the yardage would be enough for bigger projects. They are both wool blend. I am unsure of the exact fiber content because everything is written in japanese. The yellow monochromatic yarn is 100% acrylic, but the texture is same with the wool blend.
The next lot is one of my beloved yarns three years ago. I wasn’t able to use these because I was an idiot for even buying them. I just loved the texture, but did not know for what purpose they will serve me. The yarn brand is Linie Taiga and cost me around 200 (or 250 pesos per ball).

linie taiga wool yarn
They would be very nice as lining for a hat, that I can tell. I love them that I know it’s already time for someone to be able to actually use them.
The next lot are leftovers from a purse-making project I got three years ago for Christmas. When I offered to sell small purse for giveaways. I hated that time that I got to finish a lot of coin purses. But these yarns have velvety texture that is soft to touch.

velvet textured yarns

crocheted coin purse using velvet yarns
These are the purses I made before from these velvet yarns. I do not know where I put the lighter shade of purple of these lot so it’s not included in my giveaways.
This is my last skein of this yarn. I used two yarns for making slippers for my sister. It is nice and warm and soft to touch. These would be nice shoes for a toddler and would certainly be enough for that! I am not so sure about them making slippers for themselves though.. 

fancy yarn
I have loads of these yarns. They are thick and sturdy. And I use them for bag handles, or for shorts.These yarns came without labels, so I am not so sure about the fiber content, but they feel like cotton.

cotton yarn
The next ones are ‘baby yarns’ according to the labels. But I am not recommending to be used for babies because they have not been kept properly.

Baby yarns
The next ones are my feltable wool yarns in moss green shade. These yarns would be lovely for any project. One spool is enough for a beret.I bought a lot of these yarns from china. I still have lots of leftovers but i have so many greens so I can spare to give two spools away.

Feltable Lambs wool
And this small ball of feltable wool yarn too
I personally wounded this yarn into a ball using my small manual ball winder. The color is very very nice and would be great for accent.

Feltable wool yellow
And oh, I also said that I will give bamboo hooks but I cannot find them! I do not know if i have much left too because through the years I love giving them to friends who find them fascinating. I am not comfy using big hooks so if someone can appreciate them more than I do, then I give them away.
Hopefully they will like these yarns.