Yes, sometimes you just feel like there is more love to give. Here, love means yarns.
When you know deep within you that the yarn you are holding for the longest time would feel more used and more loved with other people, you just have to share them, lest, you end up with more stash you can handle.
Do not misunderstand me, i do not want to let go of all of my yarns. Sometimes, you just know when it’s not about letting go, but sharing. When blessing just comes your way, share them. So there are more to receive. Last Sunday, the priest told us, Love begets love. sure it is. When you give love, sooner or later you end up getting some, and sometimes more from what you have given.
Here are the latest from what I have (bought) that will soon be given away:

Five balls of yarns of varying texture and color
As usual, let me share you the story of where these yarns came from:

Ball of yarn from Dreamshoppe
This yarn was among my last purchase from Dreasmshoppe, around three to four years ago. I tried several times to make a project out of this, but failed. Call me anything, I love making wearables and these type of yarns just don’t suit my need. I got attracted on buying this, hence it’s been sitting on my stash for the longest time. This yarn costs around Php200 a ball. I think it’s a wool blend something.. hehehe, forgive me for not remembering.
The color is variegated blue to dark gray and light gray.

Pink variegated yarn from Indonesia
This is one of my last purchase of yarns from I have used the yarn as accent to a bolero I made for a friend. This is not easy to use since it’s a bubble type yarn. But the color is very pretty.

Acrylic yarn from baguio
I think, this yarn belongs to one of my earliest purchases of yarns from Baguio. I have incorporated this yarn in a number of projects, still the yarns resist to disappear. I think the original ball was very big, because I have made two shrugs from this (from what I remember). I have made so much use of this yarn already, it is time to serve another master. The color is orange, red and maroon in one ply. as compared to other acrylic yarns from Baguio, this one is not loosely plied so it is really nice to use in any project.

Green Mohair Yarn from Indonesia
This yarn belongs to the lot I purchased along with the bubble yarn. I was so interested on different yarn types, so I included this on my purchase. It’s very thin but when crocheted, it gives anything a fuller look. so do not be mistaken in achieving a very lightweight project.

Big ball of woolen yarn
I have a friend who sold me a lot of yarns she purchased somewhere. This big ball of yarn is one of them.. It’s so big and thick and I got like so many balls of them. so many that i gave one big ball to my friend who owns a cat. because cats love yarns. and it’s so woolen like those balls of yarns that is being played with cats.
I think the cat would love it. and he sure did.
I even made the cat a blanket
so he would feel more loved.
Now this yarn is thick and wooly but would be very nice for a project. I used this to test my weaving skills and it gave a nice finish. but i would never want to use this for crochet.
since i like crocheting using thinner yarns 
So there they are. I hope the recipient would love them as much as I did, or more. 
[Post Updated]
After finding more about the identity of my recipient, I feel a bit proud that she dropped by my site to say hello, more that she was able to chat with me for some time to chat and share. I found out she is an artist who needs different materials for her upcoming project, and that due to time constraint, she is unable to wait for incoming yarns she would receive come may. I got curious about her identity that, when I googled her name and saw her works, I was amazed and awed. I knew it was asking too much to go through the yarns I could give away, (not to mention i still promised someone more yarns from my stash). My question is what can i give? That would not really hurt me much?
You see, when you are attached to the yarns you have kept for so long, you feel a connection, so that is why when i give a piece from my stash, i try to share the story of that item before letting go, so i could still remember.

I added a few more yarns to give away
here are the stories of the added yarns:

Ribbon Yarn
This is an experiment from “recycling yarns”. I managed to obtain a very good looking knitted top from a thrift shop. The yarn is a ribbon type, silky and soft. How I never managed to create something from this, I wonder. I guess, it’s because, “recycling” was never for impatient people like me. I think I threw away the knitted top I can never manage to defrog properly.

Plastic Raffia
This plastic raffia, is another purchase from Indonesia. It is a left over for my attempt to crochet a bag. Unsuccessful though. It is not easy crocheting with plastic and more, you can never rewind this yarn into a ball again, because it’s too slippery, but I think, “she” mentioned that she likes this, so here it is.

Mako Cotton Yarn from Turkey
Yes, i think I have given two of this last time, and I am giving another one. I figured, I would never purchase another ribbon yarn again because I would find it hard to form it into lacy kind of clothing. I knew my husband won’t be happy seeing half of this lot going to other people i do not even know. But I was thinking like, they like it this much, maybe, in some way it can have more use than what i was planning for them? True enough, I do not feel so much affinity with this yarn because they have been purchased just recently.

Boucle Yarns from Rosario Pasig
This yarn is a forgotten yarn. I was trying to rummage at old boxes to see if i would still have the soft fluffy yarn she was eyeing for but couldn’t find any, and then I saw this big leftover (from what my friend gina, made a beret) boucle yarn from Rosario, Pasig. And I was amazed. this yarn was waiting to be discovered so it could get a new master!

Green Yarn from Baguio
I thought I have given all of these yarns from the last year’s giveaway, but again I discovered that I still have one more small ball left to give. 
Whew, so that’s it. To you, I hope if you receive these yarns, (though not much) would help you in a way, to create something wonderful